Montag, 28. März 2011


I'm so addicted of them, I don't know why. They looks very.. awesome >:)

The eye.

The fang. Whatta cool!

Yea. I wanna be a vampire who can eat everything I want. I hate blood actually haha. I just wanna they eyes, skin, and fang! GGRRRAWRRK!

Sonntag, 27. März 2011



Just-for-ma-lovely-friends! :-D

Hey! It's almost April!

Bonjour! Okay. As usual, when the month getting end, some people make his/her wishlist for the next month. Include me!!! Haha. I was made a wishlist for March, 1 month ago. Here it is:

- New awesome backpack bag
- New black converse shoes
- Do not miss shalat, even once
- Give a sweet gift for my mum's birthday

So far, all of my wishlist except the new bag were GRANTED!!! Thank's Allah :-)

And, it's almost April guys! C'mon! We starting make a wonderful wishlist :-D

My wishlist for April 2011 is:
- Do not miss shalat and read Koran, every single day
-  Pass the audition of Ardan School Lovey Squad
- Pass the Astronomy Olympiad, although that sounds very impossible
- Ma room getting KEWL! VERY KEWL!
-  My list score of midterms is flyin' up like a G6!
I wish that ALL OF MY WISHLIST were granted. amin. 

Mittwoch, 23. März 2011

We're just getting bored

Me. Indonesian with France B-)

Me and Biya. France VS Germany hahaha

Me. Biya. Ila with her 'NAZI' tattoo. Geraldy with his own tattoos.

Adolf Ila Hitler.

A-L-A-Y. Krrrr -__-

Indonesia & France with NAZI haha LOL

Dienstag, 22. März 2011

19th March 2011; Ardan Radio - CFD - Lomie-ing

Eyaaaaaa that's Sunday! And I planed to went to Ardan Radio to gave my CV, then went to CFD Dago for... nothing :-) But that is the first time for me to visited CFD Dago hahaha krik -__- There was an event in CFD, and made a traffic jam! Ah gosh. Then I visited Lomie foodstand in front of SMPN 7 Bandung. So delicious! But I didn't took a photo cause my cellphone was lowbatt. And then, touring around Bandung. So damn much F-U-N :-D

Euwh. Whatta scare.

W/ cece, biya, ila.

Made a fool video with cece and biya for got a hat and a Minute Maid Pulpy hahaha. Just for F-U-N.

Sonntag, 20. März 2011


Ada yang bisa nebak kenapa titlenya SPICE UP UR LIFE? Apa itu SPICE UP UR LIFE? Spice: pedas, Up: naik, UR: singkatan your, kamu (kepunyaan), Life: Hidup. Berarti, pedaskan hidupmu. Bukan berarti tiap hari makan kripik singkong Maicih* level 10 ya (red: Kripik yang lagi onfire banget di Bandung, pedesnya berlevel 3, 5, sampe 10 yang tertinggi), yang ada keluar api dari mulut lo (-_-"). Pernah ngerasa hidup lo garing? ngga adil? kurang bersemangat? encok? pegal linu? KABURRR SEMUA! (cheeeeen). Oke hentikan. Pernah terlintas ngga sih buat coba sesuatu yang baru? Yang lo pikir "Ah, gamungkin aku lakuin itu!", "Wah gila apa kaya gitu?", "Ngga deh, pesimis aku.". Spice up ur life. Kalimat singkat padat nan nendang yang ngeinspirasi aku sekarang ini.

Beberapa bulan atau tahun kebelakang, kerasa banget hidup kerasa garing, galau, ga tentulah. Mau nyoba ini, itu, udah pesimis duluan. Tapi di 2011 tepatnya mulai bulan Februari, aku cobain sesuatu yang beda. Contoh, tiap mau makan sebisa mungkin nyoba makanan yang belum pernah dirasain sebelumnya. Mikirnya, ya seru aja kali perbendaharaan kuliner kita bisa meluas. Tau ini, tau itu. So funny!

Sekarang juga aku cobain daftar buat jadi semacam announcer di salah satu radio terkemuka di Bandung, tapi yang khusus anak sekolahnya lah jelas. Bermulai dari diajakin temen, mikir dulu dan akhirnya coba. Berbekal CV sederhana nan buladig, akhirnya join juga. Tau lokasi siarannya dimana? Dari ujung ke ujung! Tapi apa salahnya nyoba? Kalo gagal juga berarti emang ngga takdir, atau belum takdir aja. Bener ga?

Ada yang lebih ekstrim lagi. Ikutan OLIMPIADE ASTRONOMI. Loh chen GASALAH LO? Ikut olimpiade? IQ jongkok begitu ikut olimpiade? Ngga bakal malu-maluin 12? Tau apa lo tentang astronomi? Punya modal apa lo? Oke, aku jawab satu-satu. Gasalah lo? Ngga. Ikut olimpiade? Yap. IQ jongkok begitu ikut olimpiade? Hehehehe. Ngga bakal malu-maluin 12? Insya Allah ngga. Tau apa lo tentang astronomi? Bumi itu planet, matahari itu panas, bintang itu bagus. Udah. Punya modal apa lo? Nekat. Makasih.

Terus alesan logis apa yang buat aku nekat? Cuma pengen ngerasain sesuatu yang baru. Yang positif. Ngga ya buat mabuk minuman, mabuk judi, tergoda janda kembang (?). Cuma penasaran, cik nyobain ada di sekeliling orang-orang dengan otak brilian, dengan mata yang kalo ketawa tiba-tiba ilang gitu aja, yang speech-nya english british. Dipikir ngga ragu buat ikutan ini? Butuh berapa ribu kali muter otak mau ikutan apa ngga. Masalah skill? Ah jongkok! Tiarap malah. Fisika dari dulu SMP sampe sekarang ga pernah lulus KKM. Nilai 55 udah syukur alhamdulilah, itu juga belum lulus KKM. Parah sekali.

But it's so fuckin' funny! Nyoba sesuatu yang baru, nantang adrenalin itu super duper mega nyenengin! Cobain deh, tapi buat cewe ngga berangkat sekolah pake seragam cowo SMA juga ya. Itu melanggar tata tertib, kawan. Ayoayo let's make our life more funnier hap hap!

Freitag, 11. März 2011


I just create this for avatar of my class's official twitter account.

We're like to play UNO or Poker very damn much! That's the reason why I added UNO and remi cards. And for the remote, one of us can followed the TV remote huckster voice funnily, and almost all of us followed his foolishness haha. RUSUH in Bahasa Indonesia mean tumultuous. Yes we're like to make a noise in the class, we're love to make the teachers getting mad HAHAHA JK JK =))

So, this is about my class. What about ya?

Montag, 7. März 2011

Reply my tweet, Cody ("-_-)

I just edited this pict for my new backround twitter.

I think Cody must see this. And Then I sent a tweet to Cody Simpson.

And then, i tweeted this

My friend try to kidding me, krrrrrr...

My other friend ask me 'bout him. (Who is he, ceng? RT @ichenakasanny: Ya Allah, I wanna replied by Cody Simpson (tweet).)

And I answer, he is my ex haha -___-

Stop, i don't wanna kidding anymore. But until now, Cody Simpson haven't reply my tweet yet (⌣́_⌣̀)

Why are you so busy, Cody? You're haven't famous as JB or Lady Gaga yet, but WHY ARE YOU SO BUSY LIKE 'EM? WHOAAAAAAH

Quote of the post: Don't tweet an famous celebrity and hope he/she will be reply if you won't get hurt like me. GAH! *totally desperate*


And after I posted this, I saw my acc twitter and my followers. OMG, i couldn't believe this..


Aaaaaah thankies Cody (˘⌣˘)ε˘`) My hurt is become better now.143!